Branching and Merging
A branch allows you to work on different features without messing up the main code. Merging brings all your changes together.
A branch is like a copy of your project where you can make changes without affecting the main branch.
- You can check your current branch by typing
git branch
Note: Your current branch that you are in will be highlighted is some way
- branch will also create a new branch if you insert a name after it
git branch new_branch
- This lets you switch your branch
git checkout new_branch
Pushing to a branch
When creating small feautures, you will want to commit to and push to a branch
- Ensure you are in your branch
- Commit your changes (With a good comment!)
Then push your branch to GitHub
git push origin new_branch
Merging a Branch (Bring Changes to Main)
Switch your working directory to the main
git checkout main
Pull the latest changes
git pull origin main
Merge the branch
git merge new_branch
Delete the branch that you merged
git branch -d new_branch ## if you havent merged yet, force delete with git branch -D new_branch ## Remove a branch from the GitHub repo git push origin --delete new_branch