Prepare Your System for Tutorials

Before jumping into the tutorials, run the following commands to set up your system for working with the provided examples. Follow these steps:.

  1. Download the sample files by right-clicking on this link and selecting “Copy link address.”
  2. Open your terminal and use the following commands, replacing Your_URL with the actual URL you just copied:
# Navigate to the home directory
cd home

# Install wget for downloading files and unzip for extracting ZIP archives
apt install wget -y
apt install unzip -y

# Download the ZIP file from the URL you just copied
wget Your_URL

# Unzip the downloaded file

# List the files

Note: If you encounter a “command not found” error when attempting to run a command, it means the required program is not installed. In such cases, you need to install the program first.

For example, we installed a program called ‘wget’ to download sample files here. You will learn more about package management in this tutorial.

Table of contents